October 13, 2022
Could The Psalm 83 War Against the Jews be Happening Now?

Few passages in the Bible are as controversial as Psalm 83. The Psalm speaks of a war against Israel led by a coalition of her worst enemies. People have interpreted this short Psalm as a prophetic plea by Asaph to God for protection in a time of conflict. The war of Psalm 83 has been […]

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October 6, 2022
Are Sukkot, The Millennial Kingdom and Ezekiel's Temple Connected?

We can learn a lot about God's character, His promises, His relationship with Israel and with us by studying the Levitical Feasts of the Lord as they are listed, organized and described in Leviticus 23. They are divided into two groups, the Spring Festivals (Passover, First Fruits and Shavuot) and the Fall Feasts (Rosh Hashanah, […]

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October 4, 2022
JUDENFREI Coming Soon to a Town Near You!

When Hitler wanted the "Aryan race" to dominate Europe, he used the now debunked law of Eugenics. On one side of the coin was this description of the perfect race; blond hair, blue eyes, perfect size nose and ears. On the other side of the coin was the Jew, a subhuman race akin to vermin […]

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September 28, 2022
Yom Kippur, The Great Tribulation and the Antichrist...How Soon?

The Jewish civil new year 5783 has come and gone, and to many, it was a bit of a disappointment that the Rapture didn't take place on Rosh Hashanah (Yom T'ruah or the Day of Trumpets) this year. I am of those who expect the Rapture imminently, but I also understand that we cannot know […]

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September 19, 2022
Has the Red Heifer been found, and if so, what's next?

To say that we are living in exciting times is an understatement. World events are converging at such a high rate of speed that it is hard to keep up. For Bible students like myself, it is both exhilarating and concerning to see the whole planet moving towards a one-world government so quickly. I have […]

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September 2, 2022
You say "ZIONISM" like it's a bad word!

For most people, Zionism is either a word they can hardly explain or has become akin to a cuss word, but what is Zionism? In light of the recent 2022 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, it is essential to understand the term and its implications. Depending on our understanding of the term Zionism, […]

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August 25, 2022
Please, Do Not Buy Into American Christian Nationalism!

Words don't always mean what they say, especially in a post-modern world. That is why it is always critical to define our words. We do not have to agree with one another as long as we understand what we mean. In other words, we must seek clarity over unity. Obviously, if we can also achieve […]

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August 18, 2022
So, The Jews Didn't Kill Christ After All! Really?

One of the oldest lies used against the Jewish people is that of deicide. We have been collectively accused of killing Christ pretty much from His death forward. This accusation is probably the number one reason for Jewish persecution, expulsion and murder across the centuries. It can be traced back to early Christian apologist Justin […]

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August 5, 2022
The Ninth of Av: Can anything good come out of a tragedy?

The Ninth of Av or Tish b'Av is the ninth day of the month of Av on the Jewish calendar (August 6, 2002). It is not part of the significant Levitical feasts listed in Leviticus 23, but it is an important date for Jewish people worldwide. It is important because it happens to be the […]

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Shalom in Messiah

We are a non-profit organization that exists to expose and fight antisemitism, as well as to equip and mobilize Christians to lead the Jewish people to the Messiah.
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