February 6, 2023
This is Why We Must Study Prophecy!

Almost 30% of the Bible is prophecy, so why would we not study nearly a third of the Bible? Yet, on one side of the spectrum, many churches and pastors refrain from teaching prophecies; on the other side, just about anything goes regarding prophecies on the internet. Where is the balance? I believe that the […]

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January 25, 2023
The Silenced Six Million Are Crying Out!

When someone cannot defend themselves, they count on others to come to the rescue, and when it comes to the Holocaust, the others are you and me. As it turns out, the silenced six million are counting on us never to be forgotten. International Holocaust Remembrance Day It is different from Yom HaShoah (Day of […]

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January 21, 2023
The Biblical Case for Israel's Right to the Land Should Be a Slam Dunk!

Israel continues to be in the news almost daily. Now they have a newly formed government coalition headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.  Many critics of the new coalition are voicing their concern regarding the fact that Bibi had to form a coalition with some leaders who are more on the right than on the political spectrum. […]

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January 13, 2023
Could This Man Have Saved My Jewish Mother?

In the summer of 1942 in Paris, Evelyn Weinzveig saw her dad for the very last time as two officers from the Gestapo escorted him outside of his home in front of the teenager's very eyes. He would die in Auschwitz shortly after. It was clearly no longer safe for Evelyn and her mother to […]

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December 29, 2022
Orthodox Rabbis Confirming End-Times Prophecy?

An article emerged a few days before Christmas claiming that "Rabbis Bring Jesus Home for Christmas." Naturally, it got my attention.  Not to mention the fact that several people sent the article to me and expressed their excitement after reading it.  Over two dozen orthodox rabbis from around the world issued a joint statement "calling […]

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December 5, 2022
Christians and Jews Must Fight the Beast of Antisemitism Together!

There are many things that Christians and Jews don't agree on, the main one being Yeshua (Jesus). While I wholeheartedly agree with 19th-century British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli who said that "Christianity is Biblical Judaism fulfilled," Judeo/Christian relations have been complicated over the centuries. Many will agree that Christianity started as a Jewish sect. Still, […]

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November 23, 2022
Maybe Dave Chappelle Understands the Jews... Kinda!

You do not have to look hard to find antisemitism in the news daily. Lately, it has been out of the mouth of several American celebrities (Kanye West, Kyrie Irving and Dave Chappelle). I could make the observation that all three celebrities who lashed out at Jews are African Americans, but that would defeat the […]

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November 14, 2022
How Do We Fight Satanic and Irrational Antisemitism?

There is no lack of organizations dedicated to fighting antisemitism on a global scale, and with the continued increase in Jew hatred, it is a good thing. Yet, I believe that when it comes to fighting antisemitism, there is a fundamental aspect of the fight that is vastly misunderstood. The reason why it is misunderstood […]

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October 25, 2022
Martin Luther, Kanye West and the Jews...It's Complicated!

When Martin Luther broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, little did he know that he would be the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Nobody can deny that Luther was powerfully utilized by God to start a movement that would forever alter the course of Christianity. In his effort to break away from the human […]

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Shalom in Messiah

We are a non-profit organization that exists to expose and fight antisemitism, as well as to equip and mobilize Christians to lead the Jewish people to the Messiah.
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