January 27, 2015
Why Do We Still Remember?

January 27 is International Holocaust Memorial Day and this year also happens to be the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Soon after the 1945 opening of the death camps and rescuing of those who had miraculously survived, a motto was born: NEVER AGAIN. Emaciated walking corpses believed in that statement and many of them tried […]

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January 23, 2015
La France est en guerre, et maintenant?     

Les attaques terroristes de 2015 à Paris sont encore très fraîches dans notre mémoire collective. La réponse aux attaques contre la liberté d'expression et contre la communauté juive a été et continue d'être forte. Les représentants de différents pays continuent à venir à Paris et à rendre leurs hommages sur les lieux des massacres. La […]

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January 20, 2015
So France is at War, Now What?

The Paris terrorist attacks of January 7 through 9, 2015 are still very fresh in the memory of the global community. The response to the attacks on freedom of expression and on the Jewish community was and continues to be overwhelming. Officials from various countries are still visiting the sites and paying their respects. Both the […]

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January 17, 2015
The New Players in Anti-Semitism by Olivier Melnick
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January 15, 2015
Will the Paris March Against Terror only be a Historic Day?

After three horrific days of unprecedented terror in Paris resulting in the death of 17 innocent victims, the City of Lights was the center of a historic event on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Within about 48 hours, a solidarity march was organized by the French government, hoping to rally its citizens under the banner of unity […]

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January 15, 2015
Charlie Hebdo Carnage in Paris Should be a Wake-Up Call!

Today France woke-up to a carnage that took place in the center of Paris at the Headquarters of the weekly magazine "Charlie Hebdo". I grew up in Paris when Charlie Hebdo was already making anti-establishment. anti-God and anti-anything-and-everything statements on a weekly basis. Much of what they publish is often mix of satire and really […]

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December 15, 2014
Did Someone Stop Drinking the Palestinian Kool-Aid?

The world has grown accustomed to seeing Israel as the culprit for all the ills of the Middle East. As the 21st Century politically correct leitmotif, Israel's guilt is even carried over to the global Jewish community. Let's face it, those who come to Israel's defense are also running the risk of being ostracized by […]

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December 6, 2014
Palestine Before the Palestinians!

Way before Yasser Arafat, the PLO, Hamas, Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas and the likes, there was a Palestine. There was a Palestine that was recognized by the entire world and that was just fine. I am actually in favor of what Palestine used to be prior to the 1960s. Unfortunately, the word "Palestine" has since suffered […]

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December 4, 2014
The Three Reasons Why I Support a One-State Solution!

Two states, one state, no state! When it comes to Israel's right to exist on that small sliver of Middle East real estate the size of New Jersey, people get very creative. Land is being shared, some has been given away, some taken back and the never-ending cycle continues to punctuate life in that region. […]

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Shalom in Messiah

We are a non-profit organization that exists to expose and fight antisemitism, as well as to equip and mobilize Christians to lead the Jewish people to the Messiah.
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