April 10, 2015
Q&A with Olivier Melnick: Why Do Some Jewish People Believe that Christians are Antisemitic?
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April 8, 2015
Bibi is Facing the Toughest Two Years of his Entire Political Career!

In the midst of a global crisis involving Iran's race for nuclear power, Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected for another two-year term. The landslide victory showed us that Israel isn't so fed-up with Bibi's policies. It actually proved that Israelis are very concerned about the Iranian threat and feel that Bibi is the best man to […]

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April 1, 2015
Appeasement is a Weakness Leading to Collaboration!

Western civilization might very well be on a new threshold as world leaders have met in Lausanne, Switzerland regarding Iran's nuclear deal. The deadline arrived and yet, the talks yielded very little. The apparent progress made in the last few days in Europe warranted that the dialogue would continue. One of the big issues that Iran has is […]

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March 25, 2015
The Six Dangers of Christian Palestinianism

There has been a shift in Christian theology as it pertains to the Church’s relationship with Israel and/or Palestinian Christians. Loyalties once rooted in biblical principles are quickly changing. For followers of Yeshua (Jesus), it should not be much of a struggle to recognize Israel’s right to exist as well as the desperate need of the […]

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March 18, 2015
Bibi's Miraculous Landslide Victory Will Help Identify his Enemies!

In listening to the media and a majority of political analysts, Benjamin Netanyahu had a tough road ahead in the 2015 Israeli elections. So when his Likud party won 30 seats (six seats ahead of Herzog's Zionist Union party), it was a bit of a surprise for most and even a shock for some. Netanyahu's victory could […]

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March 11, 2015
Is this an Aliyah or an Exodus for French Jews?

It has only been two months since the terrorist attacks in France led to the death of 17 people including four Jews in a kosher supermarket on the east side of Paris. Prime minister Manuel Valls delivered an emotional speech punctuated with rightful indignation in front of the French Assemblée Nationale, calling anti-Semitism "The symptom of a democracy […]

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March 3, 2015
The Day the Canary Became an Eagle!

There is an old story that goes back to the days of coal mining when gas leak explosions loomed at every corner of a mine. Miners would keep a canary in a cage with a person assigned to watching the small bird. At the first sign of the bird collapsing and dying, the miners would know […]

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February 26, 2015
Help us protect ourselves from the people who want to kill you!

Recently, the Saudis have made two very peculiar moves to protect their country from an ISIS invasion and/or Iran. It is interesting to note that we now have an apparently sharia compliant country trying to defend itself from a sharia enforcing state. Is there more than one way to abide by sharia law? It is also […]

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February 19, 2015
Can ISIS ever be defeated?

It is with bewilderment, disgust and fear that our global community has become an audience to the bloody carnage inflicted by ISIS within the boundaries of their ever-growing "Caliphate." On February 17, they set 45 people on fire in Iraq, adding to the gruesome death toll of the last few months. It wasn't long ago when […]

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Shalom in Messiah

We are a non-profit organization that exists to expose and fight antisemitism, as well as to equip and mobilize Christians to lead the Jewish people to the Messiah.
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